There is this guy on myspace that is commenting some weird shit on minors posts. His name is Kygen and has been weirdly flirting with some girls as young as 15. Go on his, Zoe is swag, and "Livies" page to see some of the worst examples of this. This man is 18 and asking for threesomes with 15 year old's. You are weird buddy, I hope you kill yourself.
Remember guys, the only good pedophile, is a dead one.
If you try and defend an 18 year old talking to a minor like that then you are also weird....
Why are all the pedos coming to this site noooo 😭
I also in no means am trying to call out the girls who may be engaging in this weird flirting with him! I understand that "ooh (maybe) attractive older man wants to choke me or whatever" is something that people really like, and they might be groomed into this situation. Since Kygen is a legal adult, he should no better than to say this towards minors. I am not shaming those minors who may have commented on his post, simply shining light onto why they might not want to.
Thanks for this
What’s in the dark always comes to light 😔