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saltypisskind's Blog

"death smells so nice"
16 years old
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sweet dreams

I almost made out with my crush's sister while ice skating with her.
Also, we both had flip phones and were interested in ghosthunting.
She's awesome.
okay bye.
I was going to a magical school.
My friends and I had to take a computer science exam in which I cheated and almost got expelled for cheating.
Then a friend of my mom and her child got really jealous of a friend of theirs because she bragged about having a ginormous farm when all she actually had was a pig with a crappy fence and an old and destroyed carousel.
My friends and I had to eat glass in order to lay our rings on a piece of grass before entering the farm.
Later that day I went up one of the towers of our school and found my dog up there.
My dog could speak and take u with him while traveling through different dimensions.
We traveled a while until I saw my crush striking through a big garden and talking to a woman who was giving him money because he sold her drugs.
Then he spotted me and asked me out on a sleepover date.
As it was already nighttime he started to hold a lecture about his inherited nicotine addiction and his collection of vapes.
... he does not smoke irl (this was uhh weird)
