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paprika's Blog

"idk just me"
17 years old
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Desnuda Libertad (sculpture)

The three-dimensional object I made in 2018 is called "Desnuda Libertad" (Naked Freedom).

What I try to show in this work is the fight against what is expected of women, so the exterior that pretends to be marble gives the meaning of visual delicacy and at the same time the cold and solid in what transforms the exterior (society ); and the rupture of this one through that internal struggle of what actually happens within one. Making reference, both to the idea of ​​external beauty of today in Argentine society and to a world level that is the sum of the thinness of the 60 ', the care for the image of the 70', the perfect body of the 80 ', and the hyper thinness of the 90 'as well as the women who leave or try to stop caring about the canons of beauty that have been dictating for some time.

Thing imposed by advertising, with an ideal of beauty not only with extremely thin models, but also with the idea of ​​selling diets and exercises to lose weight, which leads many people to invest much of their money and time. That is why many media do not give the message of acceptance towards oneself, because creating bodily dissatisfactions and insecurities in society manages to maintain and even increase the market of the textile industry, cosmetics, gyms, and others; establishing what should be shown and what should be hidden.

When the idea is that it is also understood that physical beauty is a social construction, and beauty itself, a subjective appreciation, what is beautiful for one person may not be for another, is a feeling that awakens and experiences in the observer and is not necessarily aesthetic and harmonic, but it’s changing.

Here i´ll put some pics of it:


