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Harryfineline's Blog

"Now they always say Congratulations"
41 years old
United States
Last Login: 1623036222000
Contacting Harryfineline
All Blogs (2/10)

Im Sorry

Hey guys im sorry to say i wont be on myspace for a while bc as some of u probably know this is a school laptop and like I have to turn it in soon so like I'm getting rid of everything that's not school related and this is one of them :(
I'm upset cause like sometimes I would just come here to look at people pages cause they relaxing :) but maybe soon ill be back online giving yall a heads up even tho its not like anybody cares I'm going offline :( but this 8th grade year was stressful i was not gonna pass this year but I did so I'm a freshman now :) so yea Bye guys hope to see yall soon :))
