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Mephistopheles's Blog

"But you can call me Meph ;)"
100 years old
Last Login: 1622001736000
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I'm kind of a lonely person lately, people who know me in real life know that i tend to be overbearing, so I try to tone down how much I talk to my friends just so they dont get tired of me. I end up talking about myself a lot and it kind of makes me an asshole. Interacting with my family, especially my mom, is pretty hard for me, because of how temperamental she is, and talking about my feelings with her is like walking on eggshells, especially because I know she'll use it against me later. anyway, because of all of this, I am really lonely. I dont really feel like i have a sense of community with other people like me, especially because trans men all in all arent very seen. So im going to be talking about my feelings to this blog. I dont really expect anyone to read it, and Id prefer if no one talked to me about it, but this is a good anonymous place to get things off my chest.
