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zuG's Blog

"Commercial Internet Change Agent "
Cis Man
27 years old
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All Blogs (3/10)

On A Human Face Forever

we define a "world" basically as a worldview. so a person constructs a "world" out of things that make sense to them.
i believe that each person must do this, must integrate self concept in order to also integrate language, and this in turn,
must occur in order to create the higher-order reflexive thought that creates consciousness. today, many never pass the
mirror formation stage, they never develop an ideal self which they can attach anything to, and thus they become prodromal
schizophrenics. they become a part of the unindividuated mass whom jung claimed are prone to psychic infection. they are
thus more animal than human. they feel pain but they are incapable of suffering.

in a person who begins to individuate, all the disparate formations perceived by the senses are associated together into language
and ascribed meaning. but in order to do this, there has to be a prevailing metanarrative. in this case, the cult -- or even the society
-- creates, shapes, and forms that metanarrative. to destroy this narrative is to destroy the self, to unravel that which merges one
with the larger parental unit, to be flung into outer darkness, to become marginalized -- to be devoured by the other, by the chaos beings.
in rejecting the consensus social reality which one has been born with, the individual undergoes an actual ego death. at that point it is
incumbent upon them to somehow recreate their personality from scratch.

standing alone means that all social solidarity is thrown out the window, and all consensus reality is gone. when you stand alone, you
will forever be forever from that moment in a world of your own, a cosmic reprobate, forever alienated in some deep existential sense,
unless you can recreate culture through a process of worldbuilding and world-centering. the culture at large provides built in outlets
for these narratives, all involving purpose and some kind of enemy which society is providing shelter from.

with 9/11 we see a "war on terror" which necessitates conformity and a surrendering of privacy which engendered in the populace an
accommodationist attitude towards violations of civil and individual rights, and with covid we see a "war on disease" which again necessitates
a far more exaggerated version of these features, features which could be seen as a variation on orwell's "two minutes hate," perhaps more
pronounced than even orwell himself could have envisioned, wherein metaphysically necessary existential threats such as death, fear, and
disease themselves are anthropomorphized, monsterized and "reified." they are concretized through a social engineering narrative that
reduces metaphysical necessities into forms of social oppression which, we are told, have tangible orginary sources within the physical world
itself, sources which can be overcome through transhumanist technoscientific and marxist political means.

any conflicting notion is seen as a direct attack on the self, an attack on the exemption from death, fear, and disease which our cultic beliefs
provide, and will not go undefended. we deny any affront to our worldview that comes from those who will not conform to our nomos. it is they
who are the source of our sufferings, they who have created death and disease. they must be attacked and defeated. It is these individuals
who can be cast out and rejected, in ritual fashion, a totemic scapegoat for the emerging global tribe.

so when you reject all of that, all of the fears come flooding back into your space, back into the area that the magic circle had previously
protected you from. to reframe or reject this narrative takes great courage.

