i'd had some acid sitting in my freezer for what seemed like years. i had gotten some from my significant other's childhood best friend. it was on sugar cubes (something i had not seen in real life up to that point) and was purported to be from a group that called themselves "the grateful dead." i'm sure you're rolling your eyes at that one, but these folks were some LSD fanatics. their initiation into the group consists of forming a small bowl with ones hand and filling this makeshift vessel with pure liquid 'cid. if the initiate comes out of it after a week or so, they're in. flash forward to last weekend. i'd just gotten some reissues in the mail (coma detox, genocide organ, mauthausen orchestra etc etc) and an old friend had a sound system worth more than a used cars. so we drop the shit and drop the needle.
now my friends roomate had ordered some darts off wish.com for like $1. they said he would get 3 but they only sent 1. it took 3 months to arrive. he's throwing the dart into the dart board outside and offers a throw to my old friend. old friend takes like 5 steps back and chucks the dart into the woods. when asked why he did that he replied "the return address was wuhan china"
well, the roommate started laughing so hard he got a nose bleed which resulted in my old friend vomiting with laughter. i was doubled over myself, although in hindsight i wonder how much the drugs were contributing.
::this post is lovingly dedicated to John Russell Murphy who passed away all too soon::
nice post!