As a corollary, however, the adherent of the ultimate Erosive agent subconsciously resents the latter, for the world of Blightgeistian and Erosive thought in particular is one of resentment to start with; and the inevitable consequence of upholding a rigid schema against being-as-such is the fear by the believer of wherever they may fall short of such a schema and thus face total annihilation of being -- not just as organic organism, but as being-as-such, as valid vessel of meaning whose very enterprise as a being is an inherent good and a birthright. The notion of birthright under such schemas comes from those for whom it does not exist, who cannot be mentally afforded by an Erosive agent as “who”s at all. Thus, to validate the ultimate Erosive agent is to acknowledge its inherent antagonism towards any subject, no matter how loyal. It can perhaps seldom be a whole-hearted embracement of Erosive thought as much as a stopgap, a mechanism by which to avoid what seems an otherwise inevitable total annihilation of being so as to redirect such a possible attack onto a perceived Other that is the shared target of the ultimate Erosive agent.