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relyT's Blog

"Remember Reach"
15 years old
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All Blogs (10/10)

church class

I'm sure everyone has procrastinated at least once, like slipping up and missing some work. Now for a backstory, I currently attend a church that I don't believe in, ( in fact, I'm atheist but that's beside the point) The church I go to I have to take an extra class, like a church class. This church class is just more school, but religious. This year I decided to not do a single assignment for it. You won't believe this but, I have missed 97 homework assignments! 97!!!
I feel so good for some reason, I can't explain it. I have read the bible like 3 times anyway, I don't want to go through that hell again. Yea so I feel pretty good right now.
Btw the church I go to is the Mormon church.
