while customizing my page layout i had to work around CSS and it reminded me of the good ol' days when i'd use tumblr and surf on the interwebz to search for pretty aesthetic themes for my blog. i'd copy the code and customize practically everything. almost everyday. for no reason other than that there were so many theme makers/ theme pages and it's fun!
also it's kinda the same when i play the sims, i like decorating but not actually building.. idk lol i'm weird
what do y'all think
so many hours having so much funnnn, omg i missed this life
damn you right tumblr themes are the reason i passed freshman web design but cant remember anything else now lol
i feel that!! tumblr was the first place i learned html/css but i didnt learn too much, but once i made my own neocities site early 2019 i taught myself and its so fun to just do and add a buncha random sh*t lol
haha it do be like that sometimes.. just wanna get to the gamingz not decorating
I hate both decorating and building to be honest mostly because of the fact I'm terrible at it lool
it's all so fun to do isn't it!! i'm still new to CSS, but i love the idea of making everything customizable <33 and yeah, i totally get the sims thing, my CC is always more furniture based aha
i meant to write "wow actual nostalgia?!" but it got cut off yay