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sushi's Blog

"I'm from Ikea... cuz I'm built different"
69 years old
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Contacting sushi
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my fertile tiger

Doppo's Pov

" Atsushi come here i have work for you!"I said looking at him8

"Atsushi i sai-"My eyes widened when the white haired boy fainted
I ran as fast as i can to the presidents room and as i open the door Dazai was there with the president

"P-president A-atsushi fa-fainted"I said nervously waiting for an answer

"WHAT! THE MEDICINE DIDN'T TAKE AFFECT??"I was shocked but my heart keeps beating faster
"What medicine!?" I yelled without putting a thought of it

"Its a medicine for Atsushi to stop his female instincts"Dazai said glaring at me like i was born yesterday
"What do you mean female instincs?"I said while looking at Atsushi
"His tiger form is a female but his body is a male.So his female side from his tiger is also taking affect to his original body making him fertile"The president said looking at me10
"But how do you know that he's tiger form is a female anyways?"

"He fainted using his tiger form about three days ago and have him checked by Yasano,and while Yasano was cheking his health she noticed something that only a FEMALE TIGER would have"

"But what exactly is his gend-"

"hmnm"Atsushi is....WAKING UP!
And I ended up dropping him, I sigh


"Yeah im fine, but why am i exactly here? "

"You're here to marry me"Dazai said while laughing that makes me want to throw up ewww9

"W-what im g-getting married!?"Atsushi said while blushing8

"Its just a joke your not actually married"I said while crossing my arms2

"Well not yet"Dazai said winking making Atsushi blush
"D-dazai i told you im not a g-"Atsushi was caught off by the president

"Atsushi your pregnant with Dazai's babby"53

Everyone in the room where shooked even the president himself

————PRESENT TIME————–-
Dazai's Pov

   "Yeah Atsushi your pregnant with my ba- WAIT WHAT!?"17

"Kunikida will explain everything outside"The idiotic president said ignoring my well said question

W-wait what!?Kunikida said

The President knew he was going to say that so he gave him a death stare ordering him to do it

Atsushi and Kunikida-kun left and the snob president started talking

"Dazai,I only said that he had a baby so he can depend on you more"7


"His tiger form will be a bit more weaker"

"But he-"

"He doesn't know he's half female half male"

"But i-"
"He'll get hurt easily and he'l-"


"But why do i need to pretend that he's having my baby?"

"So he can depend on you more i already told you earlier"The president said crossing his arms

"But why does it have to be me when theres Kunikida-kun?"

"I trust you more"

"Ohhh so i guess im the most TRUSTWORTHY person you know"5

"Dont get to exited by taking care of your wife"

"I don't have such taste in men"I said looking away in disgust of what he said12

"You know Atsushi is not a boy he's half"
"Hmm........Your right! So its ok to do a double suicide with him"I said thinking what i type of suicide should we do10

"Well Dazai its up to you to protect Atsushi"

"I'll do my best for my double sui- i mean Atsushi i'll do my best to protect Atsushi"

                    " You may leave"

 I left the room and went to Atsushi who's standing with Kunikida

"Kunikida kun!" i yelled for them to here me

When Kunikida saw me he walked towards where i was standing and whispered in my ear "I told Atsushi that he's a half breed and that's the only thing i
