I'm am very new to CSS! and I have a lot to learn!
but if you would like help with yours, please message me! though I would like to talk over discord, so please send me your discord!
I things I need to learn! plz, message me if you have codes or would love to help!
changing text logo- to change where it says "myspace.windows93.net"
changing text in contacting- change text where it says "block" "add" etc.
changing icons in contacting- the small icons next to "block" "add" etc.
changing mouse- changing the mouse when on my page
removing song- the player for my page's song not on my page, but still plays!
hello sir teeth
heres how I replaced my text logo:
.logo {
font-size: 0px;
.logo::after {
content: "Anarchy, everyone wants to be me.";
font-size: 15px;
color: white;
notably the code I sent doesn't change it's position, I'm not sure how to do that, but it at least replaces the text if that is all you wanted to do.