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eye_sack's Blog

"im just vibing"
15 years old
United States
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thoughtz n stuff

Junne 2nd 2020

6:07 pm

hello hello hello! whats up @ anyone who reads this

its hot as satan's butthole where i live (its not even that bad lol (im just a baby(its 90 degrees(fahrenheit ftw)))) but i'm gonna have sushi soon so its aight. My mom made me call the sushi place bc she "didnt feel like talking to anyone" arghh!!! I dont even have anxiety but phone calls are the absolute worst man. I totally stumbled over my words and asked the lady to repeat herself like 3 times bc i couldnt tell what she was saying facepalm. but soon everything will be okay bc i'll have me some raw salmon and i'll be able to live out my fantasies of being a brown bear lol. yesterday I (kinda) learned saria's song on piano which is cool bc the only thing i knew how to play on the piano before that was welcome to the black parade lmao. Ive never even played zelda (even though i really want to) i just think the song is cool :>

Idrk what im gonna do w this acc (is it an acc or blog?? idk ive nevr used myspace so forgive me pls), its just kinda an outlet for me bc instgram is full of locals so i cant do anything fun on there :/

also check out this video if you want to donate to blm charities but you have no money

Thats all from me for now, until next time cool cats
peace ✌ <3

june 3rd



oh man i totally forgot what i was about to write!! whatever lol its fine im just gonna rant. school officially ends for me tomorrow (as in june 4th, bc its past midnight and im one of those ppl ;P) and i just have to do one more assignment for biology that i keep on procrastinating woops. its not that hard and ik ill get it done eventually so its no biggie. this summer i wanna try and start my drivers ed so i can get my license and go wherever i wan to bc rn all i have are my legs and my rusty bike lol. I also definitely wanna try making more art this summer and just try and be more creative in general. its kind of ambitious, but it would be so sick make some sort of short film or something of that sort. im gonna try and get outside more even if its just biking to the forest and laying in a tree and listening to music. i cant wait until i can hang out with friends irl again bc rn this sucks :/

aight im out, pls message me im scared to start convos but i want to talk to ppl (^///^)
see ya ᓚᘏᗢ ᓚᘏᗢ (get it bc you guys are cats. lol)
