If anyone has any helpful tips about how to customizing your MySpace, please let me know. I'm a noob. And I would like to have a cool MySpace page. Thanks! :)
some other codes-
p, a {
font-family: "MS Pゴシック";}
>you can use that font, but here's a link of css friendly(basic)fonts: https://itpresent.com/web/css/css_font-family_list.php
p, a {
color: #66FF00;
>you can use the color implaced, or change it to a color name or Hex code, i use this site, personally https://www.color-hex.com/
Thanks! And... I think I accidentally deleted your first comment- Sorry.
some other codes-
p, a {
font-family: "MS Pゴシック";}
>you can use that font, but here's a link of css friendly(basic)fonts: https://itpresent.com/web/css/css_font-family_list.php
p, a {
color: #66FF00;
>you can use the color implaced, or change it to a color name or Hex code, i use this site, personally https://www.color-hex.com/
/ Start https://www.cursors-4u.com / {cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/user/use-1/use142.cur), auto !important;} / End