I know people wouldn't care to read this but like I went to Florida when I was like 7 years old. I wasn't able to, well, fully enjoy myself as I would an adult or even a teenager. Im 18 now and a couple days ago my sister decided she wanted to do something different for my mom's birthday and plan a vacation to Florida! Of course I jumped on this since I haven't been in so long, now I can relive those memories I had years ago. it's been booked and everything and the luckiest part is it's only a mile or 2 from the beach I went to the first time so like YESSSS! It will be just like last time but so much better! idk why I felt like blogging this, I guess im just excited! ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ
Update 4/27/21: Finally got it in my head that we leave in may like heck yeah man, maybe I can see someone drive into a 2nd story hotel or something. <("0 ")>
I live in FL, its so fun!!!
the beaches are so cool
Thanks! and thanks again for the add XD! Ima think of some more things to blog about lol
also, this blog is YOURS so you can post whatever you want :) i love reading about people's lives