I've seen a bunch of other ppl have really epic custom cursors but Idk how to add one to my page. does anyone have the css for it or just know how to do it (without it breaking my entire page lol)
use this code, i found it from Jaden Desmond on here :3 heres also a site to find a lot of cute ones! http://www.cursors-4u.com/
html { cursor: url(cursor link here), auto !important; }
@SP4RKLD0GG13 oh okie thank you!!!
0K H0M13 UR G0NN4 W4NT T0 V1S1T http://www.cursors-4u.com/ !!!!! 4LL Y0U D0 1Z P1CK TH3 0N3 Y0U W4NT, TH3N PL0P TH3 G1V3N CSS C0D3 1NT0 UR CSS B0X :3 4N1M4T3D 0N3Z D0N'T M0V3, BUT TH3Y W1LL ST1LL W0RK 4Z ST1LL 1M4G3Z, T00!!!
use this code, i found it from Jaden Desmond on here :3
heres also a site to find a lot of cute ones! http://www.cursors-4u.com/
html {
cursor: url(cursor link here), auto !important;
@SP4RKLD0GG13 oh okie thank you!!!
0K H0M13 UR G0NN4 W4NT T0 V1S1T http://www.cursors-4u.com/ !!!!!
4LL Y0U D0 1Z P1CK TH3 0N3 Y0U W4NT, TH3N PL0P TH3 G1V3N CSS C0D3 1NT0 UR CSS B0X :3
4N1M4T3D 0N3Z D0N'T M0V3, BUT TH3Y W1LL ST1LL W0RK 4Z ST1LL 1M4G3Z, T00!!!