my right brain tells me this place is a cool site for expressing yourself with friends
my left brain tells me that this is just a novelty and not an actual viable social network
both sides are correct
i mean this obviously won't catch on. there's no feeds, and you can only put images through external linking. this is absolutely a novelty. but is the novelty fun? well of course it is yeah, u can make silly pages with dumb music and comment and smile
maybe in some blessed timeline this site became more fully featured and actually got popular. but that's never gonna happen :p though its fun to goof around on!
It's small as hell but that makes any community that happens to form here even closer.
or just a little gimmick like "haha yeah man I still use myspace"
but it's a new app that I check regularly waiting for people to talk to. It's nice
It's ok my fwiend, it doesn't need to be popular
I like it like that
thanks for your feedback :)